Active Raid Subtitle Indonesia Batch
A story set in a place in Tokyo that was in a time of hardship, the story follows the journey of Unit 8 of the Community Security Section 5 by the third Mobile Assault Division, or what is often known as "Eighth" with the power of "Willwear" armor to fight developing crime. Assistant inspector Asami Kazari was assigned to monitor the Eighth group and report the value to his supervisor. But the goal is actually to rehabilitate this careless and lack of justice.
Cerita berlatar daerah di Tokyo yang dikala itu dilanda masa-masa kesulitan, kisah mengikuti perjalanan Unit 8 dari Seksi Keamanan Masyarakat 5 oleh Divisi Mobile Assault ketiga, atau yang sering dikenal dengan ‘Kedelapan’ dengan kekuatan armor ‘Willwear’ untuk melawan kejahatan yang berkembang. Asisten inspektur Asami Kazari ditugaskan untuk memantau kelompok Kedelapan tersebut dan melaporkan nilai kepada atasannya. Akan tetapi tujuan dia bahwasanya ialah untuk merehabilitasi kelompok ceroboh dan kurang keadilan ini.
Type: TV
Episodes: 12
Status: Finished Airing
Start: Jan 6, 2016
End: Mar 23, 2016
Season: Winter 2016
Studios: Production IMS, Orange
Producers: Sotsu, Magic Capsule, flying DOG
Source: Original
24 minute duration
Genres: Comedy, Mecha, Police, Sci-Fi
Romaji: ACTIVE RAID: Kidou Kyoushuushitsu Dai Hakkei
English: Active Raid
Japanese: ア ク テ ィ ヴ レ イ ド 機動 強襲 室 第八 係
Credit: nekonime
Google Drive
Active Raid 01-12 [720p] [.mkv] [1.29 GB]
Active Raid 01-12 [480p] [.mkv] [992 MB]