Afro Samurai: Resurrection Bd Subtitle Indonesia

 but his destiny cannot be released just like that Afro Samurai: Resurrection BD Subtitle Indonesia

After defeating afro "Justice" away from the world of murder, but his destiny cannot be released just like that, HeadBand NO. 1 is still being searched. Can not be separated from life killed or killed. Until one day Jinno and his sister Sio came to get revenge. Afro surrenders when they come, HeadBand NO. 1 and their father's skull was taken by them. Sio began to carry out his plan accompanied by a professor who had made Jinno and the Afro Robot now in creating beyond human reason, only with skull capital, he revived Afro's father. Afro restarted his journey to get HeadBand NO. 1 and the skull belongs to his father, but before that he had to get the HeadBand NO. 2 to fight with HeadBand NO. 1 held by Sio. To find out the existence of HeadBand NO. 2 Afro meets the former Seven Blank Clan. At a nightclub. Rounin Shicigoro is the owner of Headband NO. 2. Afro is overwhelmed against him, but with a little cunning Afro manages to defeat him. Afro was shocked after seeing his father's head begin to form which was shown by Sio, Afro getting angry. The goal is Cerry Hill, where Sio has been determined. The place where Sio lived as a child, because Afro the place was falling apart. Arriving there he met 3 robot Sio followers, none other than the people who were his family. Afro won but was seriously injured, but the journey was still continuing. Meet Afro with his father accompanied by Sio and Junno.

Setelah mengalahkan “Keadilan” afro menjauh dari dunia pembunuhan, tapi takdirnya tidak dapat dilepas begitu saja, HeadBand NO. 1 masih saja di cari. Takbisa lepas dari kehidupan mebunuh atau dibunuh. Hingga suatu ketika Jinno dan adiknya Sio tiba untuk membalas dendam. Afro pasrah ketika mereka datang, HeadBand NO. 1 dan tengkorak ayahnya diambil oleh mereka. Sio mulai menjalankan rencananya ditemani profesor yang telah membuat Jinno dan Robot Afro sekarang di membuat yang melampaui nalar manusia, hanya dengan bermodal tengkorak, beliau menghidupkan kembali ayah Afro. Afro memulai kembali perjalanannya untuk mendapat HeadBand NO. 1 dan tengkorak milik ayahnya, tapi sebelum itu beliau harus mendapat HeadBand NO. 2 untuk bertarung dengan HeadBand NO. 1 yang dipegang Sio. Untuk mencari tau keberadaan HeadBand NO. 2 Afro bertemu dengan mantan Klan Kosong Tujuh.di sebuah klub malam. Rounin Shicigoro ialah pemilik Headband NO. 2. Afro kewalahan melawannya, tapi dengan sedikit kelicikan Afro berhasil mengalahkannya. Afro Kaget sehabis melihat Kepala ayahnya yang mulai terbentuk yang diperlihatkan Sio, Afro semakin marah. Tujuannya ialah Cerry Hill, daerah yang telah ditentukan Sio. Tempat dimana Sio tinggal sewaktu kecil, karna Afro daerah itu menjadi hancur berantakan. Sesampainya disana beliau bertemu dengan 3 orang robot pengikut Sio, tidak lain ialah orang2 yang dulu menjadi keluarganya. Afro menang tapi terluka sangat parah, tapi perjalanannya masih dilanjutkan. Bertemulah Afro dengan Ayahnya yang ditemani Sio dan Junno.

Type: Movie
Episodes: 1
Status: Finished Airing
Start: Jan 25, 2009
Studios: Gonzo
Source: Original
Duration: 1 hour 40 minutes
Genres: Action, Adventure, Samurai
Romaji: Afro Samurai: Resurrection
Japanese: urr フ ロ サ ム ラ イ Resurrection

Credit: K.I.S

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Afro Samurai Resurrection BD [720p] [.mkv] [711 MB]

Afro Samurai Resurrection BD [480p] [.mkv] [346 MB]


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